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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Little Healthy Competition...

My sweet but extremely hard-headed 2 year old Jorja has been avoiding potty-training for over a year now. I've heard it all over..."she's ready". So we have given it a go a couple times, each time she is very excited the first day or two, and then the fun wears off and it's just easier to pee and poop on the floor. Anyone who knows me can tell you...I hate having clean spots in my dirty carpets! They are beige from age and when I have to scrub poop or pee out of them...the resulting white spot only highlights the fact that we desperately need new carpeting. That's not something I'm willing to do until there are no more babies in diapers slopping milk and goldfish crackers around. Not unless we go straight to brown, dingy carpeting.

And we just give in and put the diapers back on. Bad mommy!

Well, today I happened to see Josie making her poo face and a thought hit I scooped her up mid-squeeze and rushed her into the bathroom. I stripped her down and set her on the potty. She looked befuddled at first, but then we picked up Jorja's new potty book and I started to read. Jorja slowly crept into the bathroom, took in the situation and asked "Why is Josie on my potty? That's my book" About that time Josie finished off a deuce and gave a little sprinkle. I celebrated like she had won the Pulitzer. I clapped, Josie clapped, Jonah clapped and we all congratulated. I even told Jorja that we might have to give Josie part of the chocolate bunny we have been saving since Easter in honor of Jorja's first successful in-bowl poop. (That one did not go over well)

She's been dry most of the day today - but no more poo. I wonder what tomorrow will produce.

A little healthy competition never hurt anyone? Right?

1 comment:

Jason said...

More posts please!