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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who's idea was this anyway?

Wow, a chicken mummy...sounds like a great idea, doesn't it? In theory, it sits harmlessly on the counter for 4-6 weeks curing in salt and spices. In reality, it half-rots on my counter for less than a week and when you open the bag to change the salt it smells like someone took a dump on a clove. Ick.

Picture me, at the sink alternating between wiping chicken-juice soaked salt off into the sink and putting my head between my legs to breathe. Putting my head down also served to help me not pass out. That would have been bad...falling to the floor clutching a stinky chicken mummy. I eventually succeeded in getting the chicken into a new bag with fresh, dry salt, but it's not an experience I would call fun, by any means.

I will have to seriously evaluate all homeschool projects from now on.



Unknown said...

I just stumbled across your blog and you have won me over. I can't wait to see what happens next with your awesome chicken mummy. :)

ashlie waters said...

Wow! You are way cooler than me. Exactly what is Jonah learning by doing this? Have fun with your mummy!