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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Why I love this!!

Well another year almost over and I've been a poor blogger at best.

I do have to say that while this year has had it's ups (it's almost over) and it's downs (my weekly decisions to abandon homeschooling) I can only look back and be thankful for the time I've had this year with my children.

I've loved it so much I just bought Jonah's math curriculum for next year. And I must say, it's incredibly rewarding to show your 8 year old daughter a stack of black and white Saxon books and hear "Oh, cool!" Yes, she is a geek of her mother's caliber, and I LOVE IT!

To get to the point of this post...

One of the things I love most about homeschooling is that my daughters work together and are not only learning, but are quickly learning how to learn. After finding a beetle on the back porch, they decided to look to the internet to settle an argument as to whether the beetle was male or female. So they googled.

And the beetle, to the best of their knowledge is a female.