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Friday, October 17, 2008

Sometimes you just have to "hug it out"

When you poop, that is.

Jorja has pooped on the potty two days in a row, without being reminded. This is a very, very big deal. Only, she was having a little trouble with it, and asked me if I could help. She needed me to "hug it out" for her. So I gave her a big squeeze and "viola" we achieved a big girl poo.

That might sound a little sick to some of you, but this pales in comparison to my adventures in the Corn Maze porta-potty with Jorja today. Ick. I am waaaayyy to citified for that mess. I was holding on until I had to bend over to pull up her panties and skort. And then...*hurp* it was bad. It stunk. And there I was leaning into it. *hurp* I quickly threw the door open and pushed Jorja out to finish getting her clothes on.

So my praise for the day is: "Thank you, most omnipotent God, for plumbing. I would be a mess without it. Amen."

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