Helpful Documents

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Wow. I either have budding fashionistas or the most high-maintenance teenagers-in training you have ever seen! Dress up consumes their days. Feather boas, princess dresses, hats, tiaras...they come clomp, clomp, clomping through the house in plastic shoes. I think there are children in there!

It's gotten so bad with Jorja that we have little Snow White or Cinderella at most meals. Wake up...get a sippy of milk...change out of PJ's into dresses. It's a fight to get her into real clothing sometimes. Who knew she would actually want to live life in cheap satin and tulle, with an occasional sequin. Oh, and the feathers...ick...feathers everywhere!

As for home school, we fit in an hour again today while Jorja was napping and Josie was playing in the office/playroom/classroom today. I'm gearing up for next week when we start into our Sonlight curriculum. Whooohooo!

Today at the grocery store a lady asked Jonah where she went to school. She started to say FCBA...and then proudly said "Homeschool!"

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