Helpful Documents

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Signs that you are potty training

  • Your 18 month old stands in the middle of the living room screaming "POO-POO!" and you run to her like a bomb is going off.
  • You have on hand (at all times) clean cloths and Resolve Pet Odor and Stain Remover. You panic when the bottle is low.
  • You have 3 - yes 3 - potty seats. A cute pink one on the floor, one that attaches to the toilet, and a portable for the van.
  • You do loads of laundry based loosely on what color the wet panties are.
  • If someone removes the potty book from the bathroom, it's grounds for a spanking.
  • One of your toddler's favorite things to say is "Bye, Bye, Poo-poo." as she flushes the toilet.
  • Your favorite sound is of pee or poop breaking the surface of the water in the toilet, instead of hitting the floor.


Anonymous said...

Here we're talking about poop again! Some things never change at the Moore house! Ashlie

Schmoochiepoo said...

Thanks for the giggle!
We used to sing 'Bye-bye Poo-Poo' before flushing. There were plenty of tears if we forgot.