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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mommy likes politics...sometimes too much...

To all my liberal friends (umm, both of you) I apologize in advance. This was humor wasted on a 6 year old.

Last week The girls and I made a diaper run to BJ's. In the checkout line a very nice woman was behind us, and asked if I could watch her cart (with 2 small children) while she ran to grab something she forgot. They were quiet so I agreed (I'd like to observe quiet children for a minute - sort of a case study kind of thing). She was gone much longer than I expected...actually I was almost checked out by the time she got back with an armload of ketchup and spices. (Don't get me started) While she was gone, Jonah pushed her cart forward in line and talked to her baby girl in the basket. Jonah told her what a cute baby girl she had, and the woman thanked her. They spoke for a moment and I overheard Jonah say "I didn't know she was a girl...I thought she was a boy." Which was silly, since she said earlier she thought she was cute.

Here is the conversation that followed in the parking lot...

Me: Jonah, sweetheart, I heard what you daid to the lady in the store. I just want you to know that you could hurt someone's feelings by telling them you thought their little girl was a boy.

Jonah: Well, I didn't know it was a girl.

Me: But you had just said you thought her little girl was cute, so you did know. It just wasn't the nicest thing to say. I'm letting you know, it's best not to do it again.

Jonah: But I was just saying it because she doesn't really look alot like a girl...

Me: Jonah, you are missing my point, it's not important why you said it, I'm just telling you that it could have hurt her feelings, and it's not the kind of thing you tell someone.

Jonah: (Miscellaneous arguing while I'm hoisting giant boxes of diapers and wipes into the car)

Me: (getting frustrated) Listen Jonah, I'm not going to argue with you about this. If you just accept you were wrong and say "yes m'am, I'm sorry and I won't do it again" it makes you a nice little girl. If you instead argue and make excuses, it makes you a Democrat!

Jonah: (holding back tears) But..but...I don't want to be a Democrat!!

Me: Oh, baby, I'm sorry, that was a joke, your not a democrat.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ROFL. I bet last week somewhere a democrat said the same thing to their kid!
